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Living in Dong-gu

Change of place of stay for foreigners

Change of place of stay for foreigners

  • When a foreigner changes his/her place of stay, he/she must report the change of place of stay to the city, county, district office, or the competent immigration office of the new place of stay.

Report deadline

  • Within 15 days from the date of entry to the new place of stay.


  • The principal (but if you are under the age of 17, you can apply on behalf of your father or mother)

Documents required

  • Foreign registration card
  • passport
  • Documents that can be confirmed to change the place of stay (lease contract, Residential accommodation confirmation, etc.)

Lease contract requires a residential accommodation confirmation and a copy of the contractor's ID if it is not his/her name.

In the case of an agent, additional documents (family relationship certificate, employment certificate, etc.) that can prove the relationship, such as signed or stamped power of attorney, identification card, etc. are required.

Application method

  • Apply online: Hi Korea (www.hikorea.go.kr )
  • Application for visit: Jurisdiction district office or Dong administrative welfare center