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About Dong-gu



Head of Dong-gu Daegu Metropolitan CityYoon Seok-jun

On behalf of Dong-gu Office, I would like to express my utmost
appreciation to the cherished and esteemed residents of Dong-gu.

I, along with over a thousand public officials, vow to continually forge
a new Dong-gu with our 350,000 residents, always from a position of humility.

pleasant to live in,

appealing to visit,

and ideal for raising children.

My commitment is to foster a warm community in Dong-gu,
where every resident finds happiness, and no one is left behind
in the realms of citizen well-being and local economy.

In the crossroads of change for a better tomorrow, the answer is always the people.
I will always continue to move forward with the citizens’ interests in mind.

Thank you.

Head of Dong-gu Daegu Metropolitan City
Yoon Seok-jun

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