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Living in Dong-gu

Registration of foreigners

Registration of foreigners

  • Foreigners who wish to stay in Korea for more than 90 days must obtain an alien registration card. Foreigners who have completed their foreign registration can receive health insurance benefits, and their children can enter Korean or international schools.
  • Foreigners over the age of 17 residing in South Korea must always have an alien registration card.

Application target

  • Foreigners wishing to stay in Korea for more than 91 days
  • Those who lost their Korean nationality and acquired foreign nationality
  • Foreign born in Korea who intends to stay for at least 91 days from the date of being granted the status of residence

Registration period

  • Foreigners wishing to stay for more than 91 days: Within 90 days of entry
  • Foreigners granted permission to stay or change: Upon obtaining permission,

Registration procedures and receipt of alien registration certificates

  • The applicant must submit the following documents to the competent immigration office or branch office.
    • Foreigner registration application, passport, 1 color photo (3 cm x 4 cm), required documents for each status of stay, 30,000 won fee
    • The expiration date of foreigner registration is one year and must be renewed before it expires.